It consists of treating the following clinical lesions:
Skin Tags or Papillomas:
Small cauliflower-like skin growths usually found in skin folds.
Small skin growths, of viral origin, with a characteristic rough surface.
Seborrheic keratosis:
Sometimes, dark-coloured protruding lesions resembling crumbly moles and exhibiting both lateral and vertical expansion dynamics.
Melanocytic nævi (commonly called “moles”):
In most cases these are acquired growths of different sizes, which can rarely mutate, that is to say present a malignant character; hence the need to monitor them clinically with a dermoscope, or even map them.
Actinic keratosis:
Small flat or slightly protruding, ovoid or ellipsoid patches, usually pale gray-red in colour, which appear on sun- exposed parts of the body (face, sternum, shoulder blades, backs of the hands, scalp in men with baldness). They are precancerous lesions by definition.
Condyloma warts:
These are skin growths of sometimes different sizes, most often with protruding lance-shaped fleshy formations on their surface, resembling the cock's comb, in which case we
speak of ''pointed'' warts, or more rarely of slightly protruding lesions, recent in appearance. They are caused by strains 6 and/or 11 of the sexually transmitted human papilloma virus, HPV.
Skin biopsies
Skin biopsies determine the exact type of dermatosis when multiple differential diagnoses are clinically present. In addition, biopsy is an integral part of the process of removing a melanocytic nevus or any other oncological tumour or lesion.
Liquid nitrogen cryotherapy - coating with silver nitrate solution
Cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen or application of topical irritant medications (“cautery”) to treat plantar warts, seborrheic keratosis, actinic keratosis, etc. aims to destroy the lesion in question.
Ablation – Curettage
Small lesions, such as the common lesion called millium, i.e. a millimeter-long accumulation of sebum on the face, can be removed painlessly by simple curettage or crushing with a special scraper or needle.
CO2 Laser
Targeted ablation method of lesions such as seborrheic keratosis, papilloma, condyloma, warts, etc. The transition of light energy from the laser to the target is aimed at destroying it through the inflicted thermal damage.
Photodynamic Therapy (PDT)
Method of treatment of superficial basal cell carcinomas and precancerous lesions such as actinic keratosis, which consists of exposing the affected areas suitably prepared (by the application of a photosensibilizing cream) to a light source such as a LED lamp or even the day light. The light energy of specific wavelengths emitted by the special light source leads to the bloodless targeted elimination of the cutaneous lesions.
Dermatologic Surgery
Tangential or fusiform incision of suspicious, cancerous or even benign lesions, such as epidermoid cysts. In the first case, also called ''shaving'', no stitches are necessary, while in the second, their use is necessary for the gentle closure of the inflicted wound.