Having been responsible for the Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) Clinic in Metz in Lorraine during the period of escalation of syphilis cases in the region (2013-2015), as well as in the subsequent capacity of Hospital Practitioner of Venereology at the Hôtel-Dieu in Paris, at its Sexual Health Centre, which has been pioneering in the administration of an HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (“PrEp”) treatment, the doctor is trained to treat the full spectrum of STIs, such as: Chlamydial urethritis, mycoplasma infections, syphilis, etc.
In the same context, treatment is provided for:
Condyloma (due to HPV)
With the application of local medications, the use of a CO2 laser or a combination of the above.
Balanoposthitis and vaginitis
Genital herpes
Therapeutic and prophylactic treatment